Welcome Victory Christian Academy family! Whether you are new to VCA or returning, we're excited to embark on a new school year with you and your student. To ensure a smooth transition and a fantastic first day, here's a handy checklist to get you started…

Get Ready for a Great School Year at VCA!

Sign your Indiana Choice Scholarship/Voucher

Do you still need to sign your Choice Scholarship paperwork? Stop by the North Campus to check this off your list! If you have questions call the office at 219-548-2701.

School Supplies!

Download the appropriate school supply list for your student's grade level. These lists are designed to provide your child with everything they need for a successful school year!

Important Links

Technology & Chromebook Agreements:

Important! Please take a moment to review the Technology/Internet Use Policy and the Chromebook Online Agreement. Understanding these policies ensures responsible technology use for your child. Once reviewed, please sign both agreements electronically.

Important Links

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Elementary Parent Night:

    • Thursday, August 8, 6:00 pm @ South Campus - Elementary Meet & Greet

  • Student Orientations: This orientation allows students to walk the building, locate classrooms, prepare their lockers, and pick up their Chromebook! Some Teachers may even be seen in their natural habitat!

    • Friday, August 9, 10:00 am @ North Campus - 6th Grade Meet & Greet / Orientation

    • Friday, August 9, 1:00 pm @ North Campus - 7-12 Locker Day 

  • Monday, August 12, 1st Day of School (Half Day)

  • Monday, August 12, 6:00 pm @ North Campus - North Campus Parent's Night

Stay Informed!

  • Download our 2024-25 Academic Calendar

  • Bookmark the VCA Website so that you always know what is going on!

We're here to support you every step of the way! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly school office at 219-548-2701 or vcanc@VCAcademy.info.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Important Links

Don’t forget to checkout our school spirit wear!