Friday Update, August 16

“Well done, my good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. 

Let’s celebrate together!”

Matthew 25:21

  The Board of Directors of VCA would like to thank all of our faculty and staff as well as our parents and students for a great start to the 2024-2025 school year.  As you know, we began the year without a Head of School, but your support and dedication to our students and our community has been a great encouragement.  We expect God to move in big ways this year and we believe he already has with the record number of students!  We want to stay aware that with this increased enrollment comes increased responsibility and the need for prayer, patience, and perhaps some adjustment to our car lines.  Our students are back, learning and worshiping as a VCA family, in what we would call an incredibly successful first week of school so Let’s Celebrate Together, Good and Faithful Servants!

  We would like to also share that the Board has continued to receive, review and pursue candidates for the Head of School position, and we are confident that God will provide, in HIs perfect timing, the right person to lead our school.  Until that time, though, the VCA Transition Team, which we discussed in our July 25th welcome letter, continues to meet on a weekly basis and is available to handle any matters that would normally be addressed by the Head of School. Please continue to communicate with us through your campus’ office staff so that we can promptly address any questions you may have.  




 Monday, August 19:  PreKindergarten and Kindergarten full day schedule begins.

 Friday, August 30, Drive Through Pulled Pork Dinner:  This year’s Senior Class is planning a mission trip to Puerto Rico over their Spring Break.  Their first fundraiser of the year is a drive-through pulled pork dinner on Friday, August 30.  Tickets are being sold now for $10/meal and each meal includes smoked pulled pork, mac and cheese and chips.  Tickets will be sold through Friday, August 23.  Pick up will be at the SOUTH CAMPUS beginning at 5:30 pm and orders will be delivered to your car.  See a Senior or the North Campus office to buy your tickets today!

 Monday, September 2:  No School in observance of Labor Day


 Friday, September 6, North Campus Fun Food Friday:  Fun Food Fridays begin on Sept 6.  Little Caesars Pizza is our first lunch for $1.50/slice.  Order through your Sycamore account or call the North Campus office at 548-2701.

Saturday, September 7, VCA Golf Outing:  Saturday September 7th VCA Athletics will be hosting our 3rd annual Golf Scramble. Join us for a day of golf, food and fellowship at Forest Park Golf Course. Teams of 4 can register at Go Lions!


September 16-20, Fall Spirit Week with Operation Christmas Child:  watch your email for more information


Friday, September 20:  Half Day dismissal for teacher training


Friday, September 27:  Fall Family Picnic, Dogwood Park, Chesterton 4:00pm - 7:00pm


Tuesday, October 8:  Senior students will have the opportunity to take the SAT during their school day on October 8th at 8am.  This test is by sign up only and there are 25 seats available. The SAT is a globally recognized college admission test that’s accepted at all U.S. colleges. The SAT measures the reading, writing, and math skills that students are learning in high school. It lets students show that they have the knowledge they need to succeed in college and career.  The cost per student is $68.  Please contact Mrs. Thomae to sign up at


Tuesday, October 15: All students in 10th and 11th grade will take the PSAT/NMSQT on October 15th at 8am.  Students will automatically be enrolled in the test. The State of Indiana pays the cost of this test for all Indiana students. The PSAT tests include reading, writing and language, and math. The test measures the student’s college and career readiness. It is part of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT in 11th grade may enter the National Merit Scholarship Program. Other agencies also use the PSAT to identify students who may be eligible for their scholarships. These scholarships amount to nearly $160 million every year.  

Have you seen the new and greatly improved VCA website?  Calendars, forms, school information and much more can be found at


VCA Spirit Wear:  The 2024-2025 Spirit Wear store is now open at


Athletic Event Calendar and Website:  For a real-time list of athletic events and information, please visit our new Athletic website at For day-to-day game time information check out our Facebook and Instagram pages (Victory Christian Academy Lions Athletics and vca_lions_athletics), respectively.


Friday Update August 23rd