Friday Update Sep. 13th

“Where were you when 9/11 happened?” This is a question that seems to come up in discussions every once in a while. I think it’s because we all realize that, though we may not have known it at the time, we vividly remember what we were doing the moment we found out about the horrific terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

I still have a clear memory of sitting in my apartment, working on homework with the TV mindlessly playing in the background when the news anchor cut in on the regularly programmed TV show to announce what had (and was) happening.  I remember immediately calling my mom and asking her if it was real.  I was in shock.  I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV.  I don’t think I left that couch for hours. 

I think I know why so many of us recall 9/11 so vividly and why it has impacted us so greatly: it's the power of a shared experience.  When something like 9//11 happens, an event so big that it shapes history, people come together. 

I can't help but think how this also applies to the Christian faith.  No matter your faith journey, no matter how you came to find Jesus, no matter how windy your road, as believers, we are all sons and daughters of God and we have a shared experience that is more monumental than anything else. At some point in time we all made the same decision and we are all on the same road, with the same Savior leading us.

There is a lot of tragedy, a lot of suffering, a lot of sin in our world. We see it in obvious ways like the evil that was carried out on September 11, 2001, and we see it in more subtle ways in our own hearts, but we can rejoice because God’s Word tells us that He is greater than all of it. Christ has overcome the world and the sin that weighs it (and us) down.


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28


Tiffany Jett

Elementary Administrator


Senior Class Flamingo FUNdraiser Update:  As the Flamingo FUNdraiser continues, we want to provide you with an update on the current situation.

  • We have reports of 6-8 flocks of flamingos moving around the area, which is keeping our flamingo specialists quite busy. To protect yourself from these feathered visitors, I encourage you to purchase Protection at the link provided:

  • Regarding the nomination process, we want to clarify that you can only nominate someone once your yard has been flocked. We're trying to ensure a fair and organized approach as the flocks make their rounds. Once we have a better handle on the situation, we may consider allowing more nominations.

 We appreciate the enthusiasm and support you have all shown for this Seniors FUNdraiser. Your participation is truly making a difference!


September 16-20, Fall Spirit Week with Operation Christmas Child

Each fall we take one week out of the school year to focus on an international missions organization!   This year that week is Sept. 16 - 20. This year our theme is "Called Out" from 1 Peter 2:9, "When you know WHO you are, you know WHAT to do".  We will be talking about WHO we are in Christ and then WHAT we need to do! 

During this week the South Campus will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child.  The class with the most items collected at the end of the week will win a party with Mrs. Jett.  We have divided the items that Operation Christmas Child requests amongst all of our grade levels.  That list is attached to this email.  So start shopping and collecting now, but please do not bring any items in until the week of Sept. 16 - 20!

While the South Campus is collecting items, the North Campus will be raising money to ship the boxes through a friendly competition we call Jar Wars.  The class that raises the most money will win a pizza party.  We’ll take coins, cash and checks!


To make this week even more exciting, we have fun Dress Up days:

South Campus Dress Up Days:

Monday - Pajama Day 

Tuesday - Sports Day

Wednesday - Mismatch Day 

Thursday - Crazy, Wacky, Hair Day/Hat Day 

Friday - VCA Spirit Wear Day - Purple and Gold 


North Campus Dress Up Days:

Monday - Pajama Day

Tuesday - Neon Day

Wednesday - Monochrome Day (wear 1 color)

Thursday - Western Day

Friday - Sports/Jersey Day


Friday, September 20:  Half Day dismissal for teacher training.  North Campus dismissal will begin at 12:05 pm and South Campus at 12:10 pm.

Wednesday, September 25, 3:30 - 5:30 pm -  Fall Formal Boutique

Fall formal is just around the corner!  Come shop on 9/25 in the North Campus gym as students will be selling pre-owned formal garments.  Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to shop.  Contact the North Campus office for more information.

Friday, September 27:  North Campus Act of Kindness Day (submitted by Mr. Jett)

I'm excited to share a new initiative we are incorporating this year to further our students' spiritual formation - service projects.  As we study 1 Peter this year, we are reminded that "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another" (1 Peter 4:10). Furthermore, the book of James encourages us to "not just listen to God's word, but to do what it says" (James 1:22).  With this in mind, we will be dedicating one Life Group session per quarter to service projects, where our students will have the opportunity to put their faith into action by serving our school, community, and globally. Our very first Act of Kindness Day is scheduled for Friday, September 27th, and we could use your help! For our first time doing something like this we are going to be focused on projects around the school and our neighbor to the South has some projects he needs help with around his place.

Here's what we need:

  • If you have 2 hours to spare on September 27th (8am-10am), we would greatly appreciate your assistance in helping our Life Group leaders in supervising and overseeing the projects. To all my fellow dads this is a great way to get involved. 

  • If there is a group willing to help with any first aid needs, that would be fantastic.

  • Donations of small snacks or electrolyte drinks/mixes would be a wonderful contribution to fuel our students as they serve.

  • Projects will range from painting to landscaping, so students should come dressed in appropriate, "work-ready" attire:

    • Long pants and long sleeve shirts are a must. We will be dealing with trees and foliage so want to avoid scratches and more.

    • Closed-toe old tennis shoes or work boots. No Crocs or flip flops.

    • Students should not wear anything that they cannot get ruined by paint or tearing.

    • The VCA Dress code still applies.

  • We will try and have some work gloves available. However, if you are willing to donate some or have some your student can use, please send them with your student.

In the event of rain, we will reschedule the Service Project Day to another Life Group Friday, and September 27th will be a regular Life Group meeting.  Thank you in advance for your support and partnership in this valuable endeavor. If you are willing to help in any way (serve or donate), please email me at  Stay tuned for more info next week.


Friday, September 27:  Fall Family Picnic, Dogwood Park, Chesterton, 4:00pm - 7:00pm, sponsored by the VCA Parent Teacher Fellowship.


Thursday, October 3: Picture Day

All orders need to be placed with Inter-State Studios at  Use the school code 87581VF.  Paper order forms are not available.


October 9-11:  Parent Teacher Conferences


Tuesday, October 8:  Senior students will have the opportunity to take the SAT during their school day on October 8th at 8am.  This test is by sign up only and there are 25 seats available. The SAT is a globally recognized college admission test that’s accepted at all U.S. colleges. The SAT measures the reading, writing, and math skills that students are learning in high school. It lets students show that they have the knowledge they need to succeed in college and career.  The cost per student is $68.  Please contact Mrs. Thomae to sign up at


Tuesday, October 15: All students in 10th and 11th grade will take the PSAT/NMSQT on October 15th at 8am.  Students will automatically be enrolled in the test. The State of Indiana pays the cost of this test for all Indiana students. The PSAT tests include reading, writing and language, and math. The test measures the student’s college and career readiness. It is part of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT in 11th grade may enter the National Merit Scholarship Program. Other agencies also use the PSAT to identify students who may be eligible for their scholarships. These scholarships amount to nearly $160 million every year.  


Friday Update Sep. 20th


Friday Update, Sep. 6th